Episode 22: Trump’s Tantrum, Vance’s Weird Merch, Kamala Lopez on the ERA, and spilling the tea on Pete Lucido.

Episode 22: Trump’s Tantrum, Vance’s Weird Merch, Kamala Lopez on the ERA, and spilling the tea on Pete Lucido.

In this week’s episode of "Point of Disorder," the ladies dive into Trump’s latest vanity meltdown. We take a look at JD Vance’s new campaign merch, which doubles down on the weird. And do some tea spilling on Macomb County Prosecutor, Pete Lucido.

As we celebrate all the joy happening at the DNC convention, we’re joined by special guest Kamala Lopez, who discusses her powerful documentary Equal Means Equaland what it will take to finally get the ERA published. 
Women's Equality Day is Monday. 

So give it a listen, visit EqualMeansEqual.org to take action, and tell President Biden it's time to publish the ERA.

Creators and Guests

The Guerrilla Politic
The Guerrilla Politic
Designing a better democracy. Helping progressive non-profits and down ballot candidates succeed and win since 2017.