Episode 25: Close Your Robe Grandpa: P.O.D. Debate Download

Episode 25: Close Your Robe Grandpa: P.O.D. Debate Download

In this wild episode, we dive into the Harris vs. Trump debate where Kamala Harris brought her A-game, showing what a real presidential candidate looks like, while Trump showed up with conspiracy-laden ramblings straight from the QAnon playbook. Harris was all about solutions, and Trump? Well, he was all about proving he’s officially lost the plot! We’ll unpack the serious, the hilarious, and the downright absurd moments of the night, and ask the big question: is Trump fit for office? Tune in for all the laughs and insights from this one-of-a-kind showdown! 

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The Guerrilla Politic
The Guerrilla Politic
Designing a better democracy. Helping progressive non-profits and down ballot candidates succeed and win since 2017.